
Archive for February, 2016

Kale, Bean & Sausage Soup

February 12, 2016 3 comments

Kale, bean and sausage soup

A friend recently moved out of state and left me with the remains of his pantry, which included two cans of cannellini beans and a rosemary plant. Aside from garbanzo beans, we don’t eat a lot of beans in my house as they tend to cause a ton of gas. Not wanting these beans to go to waste and knowing N would probably love them, I found a very simple soup recipe on Pinterest and went about making some simple adjustments.

Bonus points that the soup called for kielbasa, a sausage I grew up eating but haven’t had in a long, long time. We went old school and picked up the Hillshire Farms version. I’m sure this soup would be great with any sausage, but the kielbasa reminded me of my childhood.

The best part? It takes very little time to pull together, a requirement now that N is running around wreaking havoc. And what? No gas? We’ve found another bean we can digest. We’ll certainly be making this again. Read more…

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